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Data from Adobe Acrobat  PDF files



  Get form data from your PDF files into a database ! Have you  multiple duplicate PDF forms ? Do you want data from identical fields in these forms extracted such that you can get sensible reports ? We write custom database software that can read all your PDF files (hundreds or thousands ! In multiple , even nested, directories ! ) and move this data into an Access database, and then give you any kind of report or analysis you need.

  We developed the methodology for a graphic design shop that kept track of jobs for their clients by embedding pictures into PDF’s  – they then started using PDF forms to track where in the production work the job was. When they got to hundreds of these files they were surprised they could not easily query all the data – and called us in.

  Again, the data fields in each Acrobat PDF file must be the same – our method only makes sense if you have used the same PDF data form in multiple files. Once we have extracted the data we can design a front end so you can see the information record by record, search for a record by any criteria in the table, and we can create reports on the whole data set  in any way you'd like.

  There are a number of what look like competing products, but they are designed to pull data from one form or they extract data to a spreadsheet. We offer a customized solution to what is sure to be a headache for you, because you should not have used a PDF system for data storage in the first place (but you know this now) . There is, by the way, a system built into Acrobat that does data extraction, but in our experience it's limited even when it does work, which is not often ( this is the case, at least, as of 10/2008)





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