Net/Works Computer Consulting has
been in business for 15 years; a long time in this industry. We have, thus,
helped a large number of people, and learned a good deal about
both the technology and about how to assist firms and individuals. We
believe a good consultant is more than a good technician - they must be able
to quickly learn the nature of the business they need to help, and they must
comfortably adjust to new and different environments - this we believe
we do well.
Though I emphasize in this site the practical services
we offer, there are more abstract ones as well ;
"systems analysis" and "systems
administration" are the fancy terms.
We can help you decide what tools you need ,
and how best to put them together, in order to get
your job done, or your office
functioning more efficiently.
Having seen the inside of hundreds of business and
scores of start-ups, having started and nurtured a number of our own firms,
we are business consultants in our own right. We are experts in the
practical application of information technology (IT) to business needs. We
can advise you, guide you; prevent you from needless expenditures and
suggest useful paths for investment in IT.
But on the more mundane level we also do general computer
consulting. Which means...fixing computers, installing hard drives or
modems, loading software, teaching clients how to use a mouse and what
a subdirectory is...
We can train - you or your staff ,
and we are familiar with most of the
popular front office software - word processors, spreadsheet
database applications, as well as CAD and graphic
design software. |