If you’re on the web you almost
surely have spyware.
“A general term for a program that
surreptitiously monitors your actions. While they are sometimes sinister,
like a remote control program used by a hacker, software companies have been
known to use spyware to gather data about customers. The practice is
generally frowned upon.” (Balckice glossary )
Often these invaders will
enter through your web browser, and in taking it over force you to view ads
or take you to web sites against your will; others will steal your passwords
or search your computer for credit card numbers.
If your computer is running
slowly, it may have been taken over by this kind of attack. Please note that
these invasions are NOT viruses and that your anti-virus software will NOT
find and remove them!
We recommend Adaware
and the Microsoft antispware
We can help you
tune these products, and we can
find threats they
sometimes miss.